Greater Jacksonville asphalt driveway paving contractor

How to Know When Your Asphalt Driveway Needs Replacing

Here are 5 signs that your driveway needs work so you know when to plan for an upgrade.

An asphalt driveway is a significant investment, providing a smooth, durable surface for your home’s entrance. However, over time, wear and tear can take a toll. Knowing when exactly asphalt driveway replacement is necessary will help you better maintain your property’s curb appeal and functionality. Not sure how to gauge the pavement’s overall condition? Our Greater Jacksonville, FL, asphalt driveway paving contractor can let you in on a few common indicators.

1. Extensive Cracking

One of the most evident signs that an asphalt driveway needs replacing is the presence of extensive cracking. While minor cracks can often be repaired, widespread cracking indicates that the structural integrity of your driveway is compromised. Over time, small cracks can expand and connect, forming larger, more severe cracks known as alligator cracks. 

These cracks resemble the pattern of an alligator’s skin and are a clear indicator that the asphalt has lost its flexibility and strength. When you notice such damage, it’s time to consider a full replacement. Hiring our residential driveway paving contractors ensures the new pavement is laid with proper sub-base preparation and high-quality materials for a durable, long-lasting surface.

2. Potholes

Potholes are not just unsightly; they are also a safety hazard. These depressions in the asphalt surface can cause damage to your family’s vehicles and pose a risk to anyone walking on the driveway. Potholes form when water penetrates the asphalt surface, leading to erosion of the base material. This erosion creates voids that eventually collapse under the weight of cars, forming potholes. 

If your driveway has multiple or large potholes, it’s a sign that the foundation is failing. Though it can be tempting, simply patching potholes is a temporary fix and doesn’t address the underlying issues. Our team recommends instead choosing replacement to ensure a stable and safe driveway.

3. Drainage Issues

Proper drainage is crucial for the longevity of an asphalt driveway. If you notice standing water or puddles on your driveway after a rainstorm, it indicates drainage problems. Water that doesn’t drain properly can seep into the asphalt, causing it to weaken and crack. Poor drainage can also lead to erosion of the sub-base, further compromising the driveway’s integrity. 

Addressing driveway drainage issues requires more than surface-level fixes; it often necessitates regrading the area and installing a new asphalt driveway to ensure proper water flow. Our professional asphalt paving company has the expertise to design and implement effective drainage solutions, preventing future water-related damage.

4. Fading and Staining

Over time, exposure to sunlight, weather, and vehicle traffic can cause your asphalt driveway to fade and develop stains. While this primarily affects the appearance, it can also indicate deeper issues. UV rays from the sun can break down the asphalt binder, making the surface more brittle and prone to cracking. Oil and chemical stains from vehicles can weaken the asphalt, leading to further deterioration. 

If your driveway has become significantly faded or stained and shows signs of surface damage, it’s a good indication that a replacement is needed. A new asphalt driveway installed by our team will not only restore the aesthetic appeal but also provide a stronger and more resilient surface.

5. Age of the Driveway

Asphalt driveways typically have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, depending on the quality of installation, maintenance, and environmental conditions. If your driveway is approaching or has exceeded this age range, it’s likely time to consider a replacement. 

Older driveways are more susceptible to cracking, potholes, and other forms of damage. Investing in a new driveway ensures a fresh start with a properly installed and durable surface. We’d be more than happy to assess the condition of your driveway and recommend the best course of action based on its age and wear.

Call for a Driveway Paving Quote

Don’t wait for minor issues to become major problems; contact our asphalt driveway paving contractor serving Callahan, Jacksonville, and surrounding areas to schedule an assessment and start the process of upgrading your driveway. Call First Coast Asphalt Solutions at (904) 721-6300 or contact us online to request a quote.